Julia Day ~ Jewel
Diplomate certified CranioSacral Therapy
Somato Emotional Release
Nondual Body Mind Therapies
The Jewel School & ACIM Mentoring
~ The Jewel School ~
Non-dual Spiritual Mentorship Retreats & Support in 2025
Four in-person weekend Healing Retreats:
January 25-26, February 22-23, April 19-20 & June 21-22.
+ Sunday afternoon Group Work: March 23 & May 25
+ Video Support
+ Zoom meetings: bi-weekly Tuesday evenings, 7 pm pacific
+ Once-a-month, or more depending, on Friday mornings 10 am pacific.
Anyone is welcome to attend, whether professional therapist,
or simply interested in profound personal growth.
(If interested in professional certification, please see note at the end).
In truth, we are a ‘commUnity of One' because the alchemy of all true healing is Oneness;
unchangeable, omnipresent, transcendent and whole.
The Self
The Jewel School advocates a purely non-dualistic framework for experiencing our world.
Conscious intimate union with our One Self occurs as we learn to rest our Awareness
in the quiet inner center, deep within, timeless and whole;
anchored vertically through all worlds, all dreams,
as the grounded Presence of Pure Love,
the Heart of Oneness.
We come to know ourselves entirely as Spirit -
even while we still appear to walk this world of form.
But in order to notice we are already free,
deep purification of our unconscious mind is necessary,
as layers of repressed dualistic beliefs are healed,
including separative body-mind stories about:
perception, time, space, bodies, judgment, fear, shame, guilt, pain, trauma,
hierarchy, aversion, desire, sacrifice, suffering, victimization, abandonment,
forgiveness, betrayal, scarcity, sensations, emotions, health, happiness etc.
It takes willingness, readiness, humility and practice
to begin to really trust, instead of fear,
the magnificent truth of Who/What we truly are as infinite Love,
eternal Oneness and fearless Presence.
Main Themes at The Jewel School
- Honesty, laughter, consistency, recognizing the Witness.
- Willingness to take responsibility for projections and to choose again.
- Inner journeys, resting in awareness, grounded Heart, learning to follow, feeling safe.
- Nervous system regulation through Being in all seeming body systems,
with an emphasis on CranioSacral sensing.
- Multi-dimensional awareness through auric fields and chakras, as avenues for healing
through holographic Oneness/Self.
- Verticality, resting in the central axis, non-doing, embodied Presence.
- Somatic release, trauma support, transmutation.
- Inner children, dualistic polarities, inner masculine & feminine, up, down, before, after, good, bad, etc
- Sub-personalities, ego survival techniques, unconscious contracts, release, etc.
- Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, pure channeling, etc.
- Inner Wisdom, alchemy, miracles, initiations, infusions, luminosity.
- Meditation, true prayer, non-dual metaphysics, trust, atunement, alignment, acceptance.
- Past lives & soul stories, transcending karma, true forgiveness.
- Special to holy relationships, illusions, fear, guilt, defenses, archetypes.
- Undoing the ego; the tenacity of duality & why we are so hooked in.
- Group dynamics, multi-hands & virtual healing: dyads, triads, space holding,
neutrality, blending & melding, following,
- Infinite patience, blessing, dropping anchor, elements, colours, templates, toning, movement, breath.
- The infinite holographic Heart of Oneness, timeline collapse.
- Masters, Teachers of teachers, True Self.
- Quantum forgiveness, quantum healing, quantum Being …
My Bio
Jewel ~ Julia Day: non-dual Esoteric Healer, CranioSacral therapist and Teacher for nearly 30 years;
My training began early in this life, but solidified when I discovered the inner axis of the body/mind and direct experience of its anchored, all-extending Wholeness Oneness Heart Mind Love Wisdom.
I trained extensively in numerous residential esoteric healing schools in the mid-late 90’s. Seven years later,
became a fully-certified Teacher of what was called 'Soul-directed Advanced Energy Healing' at the time.
In 2002, I also ordained as a minister of the Inner Focus church.
In 1997, began practicing CranioSacral Therapy & Somatic Release, eventually becoming a certified-Diplomate therapist through the Upledger Institute. Also certified as a Teaching Assistant and Provider of introductory-level CranioSacral Therapy, plus study group Leader/mentor to students training in all levels of the Upledger curriculum.
Background also includes inner journeys through: intuitive movement, sound healing, Tibetan & Theravada
Buddhist practices, Taoism, Sufism, Astrology and Shamanic embodiment.
In 2005, became a serious student of the psychological-spiritual manuscript: 'A Course in Miracles’.
I love the Course but understand how obtuse and intense it seems at first, due to the repetitive Shakespearean,
intellectual and biblical-sounding language.
Yet the Course presents a pure non-dual psychological use of the vocabulary,
as a correction to 20+ centuries of egoic misunderstanding.
It takes a while to integrate the new meanings,
due to our extremely dualistic conditioning, but worth it if you feel the call.
Feel free to check out my new ACIM Course Lesson youtube videos at:
I have taught hundreds, maybe thousands of days of workshops, retreats and weekly groups over nearly 30 years,
as well as practicing professionally full-time with clients,
while deeply transforming my own life through walking my talk.
I’m a good helper. I know the territory inside out, and I am fun, kind, gentle, aware, and loving,
but very clear about the Truth, which cannot be described, but only directly Known.
Note: The full Jewel School Mentorship program may be claimed as a professional training for those who wish, or just a beautiful opportunity to deepen in inner Peace and Presence.
If you desire, you can receive certificates for: foundational, intermediate, or, for long-time students,
senior level completion in late-June …
...and it’s okay to wait to know what’s realistic for you too. No pressure at all.
I'm excited to see who is appearing in this next wave ~~~~~
Fee Structure
$ 355 per weekend includes gst - $ 111 non-refundable holds your space.
$ 333/each if you attend all 4
** Payment plan available **
Living Room Sessions
$ 30 per hour for multi hands
$ 20 per hour for meditation, group check-in and 'following the energy' for healing
Zoom Groups
by donation: amount as given by your inner Teacher/Guidance
Video Support
To Register