Julia Day ~ Jewel​
Diplomate certified CranioSacral Therapy
Somato Emotional Release
Nondual Body Mind Therapies
The Jewel School & ACIM Mentoring

Oneness In Oneness Retreats
image: Christine Phibbs-Barr
My journey as a healer started with an intensive 8 year training in Advanced Energy Healing through the 1990's and early 2000's as a student and then faculty at international esoteric schools.
Soul-directed conscious awareness, grounded heart-centered presence, embodied felt-sense, and the practice of gently resting Awareness in the vertical axis of the body-mind, surrendered to the teacher within ~ Soul, Buddha Nature, Christ, Self, Source ~ describe the foundation of my personal and professional orientation.
Through the practice of directly meeting fear and separation stories within the vast well-spring of Love that dwells within, an alchemy occurs, shifting and dissolving fear and polarity lodged throughout the human energy fields and dimensional realms, personally, collectively and through all aspects of time.
My spiritually 'embodied' retreats also include: anchored heart-centered meditation, metaphysics, mysticism, energetic anatomy, unwinding of tissues and densities, healing of inner masculine and feminine polarities, inner children and trauma, sub-personality formations, and forgiveness/release of narratives from all perspectives of bodies, time and space.
I also have a background in sound healing, expressive dance and what I have learned about neurology from advanced studies in CranioSacral therapy and Somato-Emotional release.
In 2002, I produced a ministerial thesis, 'Living Christ Consciousness; Unconditional Love, Non-judgment and Equality' that further encouraged me to transcend my biases and condemnations.
My inner Teacher has always pointed towards unwavering Oneness, which is pure Love without opposite. In 2005, I realized why, when I encountered a new paradigm of pure, or Absolute, non-duality as described in 'A Course in Miracles', rather than the relative paradigms that had felt like only half-truths prior to that time. I am most at home in The Course, but am also fluent in, and appreciative of, other paths and psycho-spiritual practices including: Buddhism, Vedanta, Ancient Wisdom, Shamanism, Sufism and Self-Realization, providing that the Highest Good is served.
I think of myself as a way-shower, guide and enthusiast. The 'Teacher within us' is the Guru and it is my happy pleasure to be a bridge and channel for our collective release from the tyranny of illusion, as guided in the moment.
I also mentor CranioSacral therapy and Somato-Emotional Release study groups and Introductory workshops, in addition to my weekly satsangs, meditations and healing retreats, where we practice 'embodied' awareness while entrusting our thoughts to pure non-dual Presence within.
In January 2025, I am starting a new Jewel School Non-dual Spiritual Mentorship series of retreats and groups. Interested? Here is the link to The Jewel School 2025

Intimate Union
Esoteric Healing & Spiritual Embodiment
Learn to cultivate direct Awareness of The Self
through inner journeys in the Body-Mind
Esoteric Healing
Central Axis
Universal Heart
Chakras & Subtle fields
Soul & Monadic fields
Christ Oneness
Earth Star
Ground of Being
Pure non-dual metaphysics
Mystical Awareness of Love's Presence
~ Intimate Union with the Self ~
The intention of this retreat is to introduce you
to deep mindful 'embodiment' through recognizing your own inner maps of consciousness,
enabling you to navigate the inner realms of your Being with ease and grace, guided from within.
Esoteric anatomy will familiarize you, as a direct felt-experience,
with various subtle fields and chakras that provide gateways to
the unchanged Presence of your real Self.
We will touch into the Absolute, I AM, Monad, Soul, Chakras 7 - 1 and Earth Star,
with emphasis in the Crown-to-Heart through Earth anchor,
via the central vertical Axis of the body/mind.
We will experience first-hand the alchemy of healing and wholeness
that naturally ensues through Spirit-guided inner Awareness.
Jewel teaches Esoteric Anatomy
as a practical aid used in conjunction
with pure non-dual Quantum Forgiveness.
Residential retreats are ongoing for return students
but often not advertised