Julia Day ~ Jewel​
Diplomate certified CranioSacral Therapy
Somato Emotional Release
Nondual Body Mind Therapies
The Jewel School & ACIM Mentoring
Non-Dual Body Mind Therapies
Esoteric Healing
From 1996 until 2003, concurrent with learning CranioSacral Therapy,
I became a student and, later, faculty at a few professional healing/mystery schools specializing in
esoteric non-dual teachings.
By cultivating conscious awareness within the subtle human energy fields,
chakras and vertical axis of the body-mind,
we learned to embody the highest love in the deepest depths of imaginary separation from love,
transforming our lives through transmutation of traumatic wounds and limited beliefs.
The modality was called; heart centered, soul directed advanced energy healing.
It was based somewhat on the theosophical teachings of Alice Bailey
and energy expertise of Barbara Ann Brennan, AlixSandra Parness, Dr. Robert Jaffe and others;
but for me, the experience was like a living library of Tibetan Buddhism, Christian mysticism,
Shamanic journeying, Sufi stations of the Heart and yogic Self-Realization paths,
all guided by the Greater Self within.
These teachings helped me cultivate an ever-deepening surrender to, and reliance upon,
my inner Wisdom, my inner Teacher, my true Self.
I realized that the real Me/Us is pure Oneness-in-Oneness,
but until we have direct felt-sense experience of our infinite Beingness within,
these are only words.
My healing practice helps make the words accessible to all.
Private Sessions
Combined with advanced CranioSacral therapy
and naturally ever-present non-dual Awareness,
sessions are quiet, graceful, wholesome and respectful.
Healing through spiritual 'embodiment' is normal and, with practice, happens automatically.
While unconscious wounds may be defended by layers and eons of fear and doubt,
transformation is inevitable, sweet, always gentle and, to a large extent, easy.
Through aligning in our vertical axis and Heart, and learning to rest within both,
we begin to sense that we truly do belong to an
infinite supply of perfect Love,
from high above through deep below, and all throughout ourselves, and those we see,
we Are this Essence of pure Goodness/God-ness.
Everything we've ever done ...
every action and reaction ... every moment ... in every lifetime ...
becomes alchemized and blessed in the Love/Wisdom/Oneness we truly Are.
This is true in micro and macro, little stories and big stories, within and without.
There is nothing outside of it.
In 2005, I was able to broaden my understanding of why this is so, when I dove into
the psychological-spiritual metaphysical document,
Combined with advanced CranioSacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release
my sessions, whether in person or at a distance, mainly include:
deep resting in our pure Self
purification, alignment and transmutation of narratives and polarities
healing and integration of inner children, infants, teens, past lives, etc
brain and somatic tissue release and transformation
deepening of conscious awareness
increased intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc
opening and balancing chakras and energy fields
anchoring the alchemical Heart
true forgiveness
inner mystical journeys
physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing
inner masculine, inner feminine, divine marriage
awareness and integration of sub-personalities
forgiveness, blessing and release of anxiety, depression, blame, shame, fear, judgment etc.
increased mystical awareness of Oneness and enhanced personal Guidance
I work with people of all ages and issues, including babies, teens and end-of-life.
I also love working with animals, especially dogs.
Sessions are effective both virtually and via hands-on facilitation.
For further information please see my CranioSacral Therapy and/or my Sessions page.
If you are interested in A Course in Miracles pure non-duality: check out ACIM Mentoring here
If interested in The Jewel School Retreats here
If interested in Space Clearing, or Retreats, please call 250.370.1380 to discuss.
Thank You